iOS 14.4.2 (18D70) for iPhone XS

✗ This firmware is not signed. This means you cannot restore to it in iTunes.

Release Date 26th March 2021
Upload Date 23rd March 2021
Filename iPhone11,2,iPhone11,4,iPhone11,6,iPhone12,3,iPhone12,5_14.4.2_18D70_Restore.ipsw
Filesize 6.36 GB
SHA256sum bb184b33df54c2bd42355e9d3ff620cb565c5a01116e7641266cc8138cf31ec0
MD5sum f215160b2c43cc664b072b10134c3458
SHA1sum 538d678dad2244eb8c3e2b55cfdec40d4447331e
Identifier iPhone11,2

iOS 14.4.2 Release Notes

Please note, the documentation below is supplied from Apple's update servers. We don't modify the contents of this documentation.

This update provides important security updates and is recommended for all users.

For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website:

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